DECLARE l_xml_clob CLOB; l_xsd_clob CLOB; l_xml XMLType; l_xsd XMLType; l_errors XMLType; l_error_count NUMBER; BEGIN -- Load XML and XSD into CLOB variables -- Convert CLOBs to XMLType l_xml := XMLType(l_xml_clob); l_xsd := XMLType(l_xsd_clob); -- Validate XML against XSD l_errors := l_xml.schemaValidate(l_xsd); -- Count the number of errors l_error_count := l_errors.geterrorcount(); -- Output error details IF l_error_count > 0 THEN FOR i IN 1..l_error_count LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Error ' || i || ':'); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Line number: ' || l_errors.geterrline(i)); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Error message:...