
Showing posts from April, 2022

data recovery software with patents from wonder share 35 patents

object detection in an image real time @ 30 frames per sec speed you can detect objects with the YOLO system using a pre-trained model.

instagram bot with freelancer and agent plans

machine learning and AI related and scraping tasks website. aimultiple has got many ai and machine related tasks to complete scraping research 

get man or human power in the loop for machine learning tasks you can comlete any bulk tasks like image or video identification, voice transcriptions etc

scraping and seo related softwares -   one time charge of $97 auto proxy check and apply option. search engine link grabber

best and free AND low cost hostng providers for startup websites and companies. free plan with shopping eccomerce website unlimited products.  custom domain plan @$10 per month cheap from $1.99 for vps. 1 TB download . monthly billing . unlimited websites. 5TB data and 2vps and 2Gb ram @$3 monthly bill. Free hosting free ssl no ads. 5 GB Disk Space Unlimited Bandwidth PHP 8.2 MySQL 5.7 / MariaDB 10.4 Free Subdomain Names Bring Your Own Domain 400 MySQL Databases Free DNS Service Free SSL Certificates Full .htaccess Support Free Own domain hosting - 10 GB disk space -Unmetered bandwidth - 1 E-mail account -1 MySQL database - No ads 000WebHost / Hostinger: $1.99 per month 148 months plan. 48 months commitment is needed. 459 rupees per month without commitment. half price for 1 year plan. which is 459X12 /2 = 2754 OVH Cloud   date: 21-04-2022 AMD EPYC VPS - 2core - 2GB - 40GB - 500Mbps unmeteered to 1 Gbps unmetered for $11 per month plan, 2Gbps ...

which is the best ssl secrity company for websites or multi domain websites

ovh cloud provides sectigo ev ssl it at $113 peryear where as normal ssl at  sectigo ssl secrity market expert for security ssl certificates OVER 700K CUSTOMERS. 40% of top 1000 companies use sectigo certificates. Provides the highest level of SSL encryption using sectigo Single Certificate, one can Secure Hundreds of Domains and Subdomains  sectigo also provides Certificate warranty - DV $500,000 | OV $1,000,000 | EV $1,750,000

website where you can code your projects and showcase or download others templates - html, css, js files

 website where you can code your projects and showcase or download others templates - html, css, js files you can download any codes just by logging. files such as loggin form image uploader etc

performance and benchmark of basic and general purpose droplets

what is the processor used in digital oceans general purpose droplet

 General Purpose Droplets uses Intel Xeon Platinum 8168 "Skylake" Processors. source.